
By Teasel


I was up and about early, not least because I needed to send a work email – and just to make things more difficult, I couldn’t get a connection to the work system.  How very annoying.  I restarted a number of times, then ran out of time,. So e=messaged a colleague and asked if she could send a message on my behalf.  I was also having connection trouble in the office this week, which makes me wonder if there is a problem with my laptop.  Meanwhile in amongst all this, I was getting myself organised to get out to catch a bus to Edinburgh, then  a train to Leuchars where I was picked up by a friend.  We then headed into St Andrews, via the excellent Balgove farm shop, where a few purchases were made.
We parked up and then had to wrestle the Ringo parking app, until it worked.  Not a good day for IT – and I am sure these things are totally unrelated to the worldwide flitch.  We had  a lovely wander around the worn, popping into a few shops though not many purchases were made.  We stopped for lunch and had really delicious fish and chips.  We both then went back and made a purchase each and I bought some cakes and bridies from Fishers and Donaldsons – treats for the boys.  My friend dropped me back at the station and I was relieved when the train arrived, as Scotland is currently operating a reduced timetable and I wasn’t totally sure that this train was running.  I got back to Edinburgh and then caught the bus home. 
Once home, I got myself ready to head out to birthday drinks for a friend.  Another friend and I met up and walked down together.  We knew no one else there, apart from the birthday girl, but we had such a lovely evening – meeting lots of new and interesting people.  We weren’t out too late, and there was still some light in the sky as we walked home.
It’s been a lovely day, and I forgot to take any decent blips, but I took this through a dirty train window as we sped along the Fife Coast –looking over to Edinburgh.  It was very grey, though it was really bright and sunny when I left home and when I got back home, and was reasonably sunny in St Andrews until early afternoon.

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