
By SparseRunner


I slept until 07:00, had breakfast in the garden of my B&B, went for a walk to explore the area west of where I'm staying, and then caught up with my diary sitting in the garden. I then took the metro under the St Lawrence to Sherbrooke, where I took a couple of Turf zones, before walking over the Jacques Cartier bridge to Île Ste Hélène. This was the site of Expo 67, and at the far end of the island is Buckmaster Fuller's incredible geodesic dome - that contained the US pavilion.

At the metro station I met И, and we visited the dome, but there was almost nothing in terms of exhibitions relative to my visit in 2017. I was disappointed, as the exhibitions on Fuller and Expo 67 had been excellent. I guess it's too long ago to be relevant. Of course the structure itself was still amazing to see from the inside: I imagine it like being inside a dandelion seed head (see extra)

Outside we met one of the Norwegians from JuMP-dev and had lunch with him. Then И and I rented bikes to explore the island and its neighbour, Île Notre-Dame. There we did a lap of the circuit used for the Canadian Grand Prix. It was great to ride a bike on such smooth tarmac, even if we were being passed all the time by people racing round on very flash racing bikes. 

Back on Île Ste Hélène, we explored the rest of the island, decided not to go to the theme park, and crossed the rest of the Jacques Cartier bridge. We then rode into downtown Montréal, where we left the bikes at a bike sharing station, and explored one of the quays beside the old port. I took the last Turf zone I needed to acquire the crown of Canada, and then we went our separate ways. И needed to buy a swimming costume - because her suitcase ended up in Sofia rather than Montréal - and I went to register for next week's conference. I arrived just in time for the welcome reception, where I chatted and greeted many people I know. 

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