
By isbi

MonoMonday: Four

All I could think of was Fork Handles which has been blipped many times. But that brought to mind actual candles and as I am short of time they make a quick blip for JZ's challenge.

I've been to the physio. Thought I should do some exercises to get the strength back in my knee and fortunately he had a cancellation today so I was able to go back an hour later for an appointment.

I also went for my first swim since spraining the ligaments. I thought it might just be a case of walking in the water but I actually found doing some (very slow) laps easier.

By the time we got back to the farm it was almost dark and we had to set the pig traps by the ute headlights. They've been open the last few days while we were away but the cameras have detected a big pig visiting each night so we are back on the job.

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