
By isbi

A Tiny Part of Something Bigger

I've just learnt that the knob used to wind a watch (and do lots more on modern ones - except wind it. It has a battery!) is called the "crown". 
It's a tiny part of my bigger watch for today's Tiny Tuesday challenge.

I've always worn a watch but for a few years people seem to have been relying on their phones to tell the time but I think there is a move back to watches. 
Of course they do all sorts of other things these days such as count steps, set an alarm or timer, alert you to your blood sugar level, record an ECG, take your pulse and respirations, remind you to exercise etc. and lots more I haven't figured out.
This is not an Apple watch, which I assume connects to everything Internet, but it does tell me of phone calls or messages coming through which is very handy when you don't want to be anti-social and pull the mobile out.

No pigs today :-( 
One had been and taken the outside feed but didn't enter the trap which it had done the night before. Maybe they are smarter than we thought. But it's only a matter of time :-)

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