
By helenann

Golden Grass

It was a warm, sunny afternoon when our friends L&P stopped by on their  way home from Swanage. They brought with them  a hat Martin had left there  when  we visited recently,  and  in exchange, we gave them  tea in the  garden. L was interested in meeting Peter tortoise who was impeccably behaved, munching on his buttercup flower and  dandelion  sedum leaf wrap. while the humans ate our smoked salmon  sandwiches. 
Later, I spotted the evening  sun lighting up the uncut meadow section of our  lawn, with the tall grass glowing  a beautiful golden, which is my blip for today.
We watched the  Prom concert- Sir Mark Elder's final concert conducting  the Halle Orchestra. They  played  Mahler's fifth symphony which proved a very moving performance. It was  preceded by the  Halle choirs performing  a new piece by Sir James McMillan, which was lovely too.           
Then came the news that Joe Biden had announced he would not be standing again for president  of the USA. At last! 

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