Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Bright Yellow

Calandula :)

I thought this had finished but evidently not as its just bloomed again :):)

Got to work for 8.30am despite the schools still open here and the traffice being bad - only 40 minutes down the motorway including queueing at Junction 12....

Sat and waited for over half an hour as my line manager is still sick.  Sharing a lovely office with just one lady, and the others are all available on teams at any time.  

Big IT issues as the laptop hadn't been set up properly....but at lunchtime a good lunch with 4 of the greater team (I am in one team of three teams, and they're not all in the office all the time).  Cooked lunch in the restaurant for a very reasonable price :)

 Came home at 3pm as they said it was 'my first day'..  I hope that doesn't mean anything else....

Anyway, I went to the petrol station to fill up before coming home...  Was just getting back in the car, when two police cars came into the garage with lights flashing..  A policeman got out, came towards me and said they were looking for someone who looked like me!??  What was my name, so I told him and he said 'sorry, just a mistake' and they roared off.  (I really haven't made this up - very weird I thought)!!!

Then, I was almost home and the car decided to play up....not sure what it was  - but the gears ground  (its automatic)! :(:(  Anway,  I was on a roundabout, so I pulled to one side and put the flashers on - stopped the engine and waited a few minutes.  Started it again and all was fine.  I'm just wondering if because I was almost home I wasn't really concentrating? or if its something more serious.  Just can't afford for anything to go wrong with it!!

Anyway, that's been my day.  Day two will consist of getting a proper pass and doing some online training, together with working the reception....  Looking forward to getting through this first week and being able to start the job properly!

Rookie error - got the camera out to find I have a very flat battery, so this is a phone blip :)

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