Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

What a day

Up at ridiculous o'clock to head to London for a meeting.

Luckily there were no train dramas. I wish there had a been, because I would have avoided a dreadful meeting when I got to the office. We kept going around in circles, it was a nightmare and I get so frustrated.

Then we had our SLT call which was a barrel of laughs as well and then I had a meeting over the investigation I recently carried out. That didn't go as well as I had hoped, especially after having discussions with everyone beforehand, but it seems some people are happy to say things to your face but go back on it when in a group. Hmmmm!

Had a brief catch up with my young padawan then, which as always is a positive.

After all this drama I was glad that I was going out in the night.

I went to see Sister Act at the Dominion Theatre, with Ruth Jones as Mother Superior. She was brilliant and brought a bit of Nessa to the role. Lol! A great night out.

Not had a decent meal all day so headed for a late night Maccie Ds, so you could argue I didn't have a decent meal there either. Lol!

Today I am thankful for:

1.  A night out at the theatre
2.  Positive discussions with my young padawan

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