Everyday Life

By Julez


I may have mentioned that I have a collection of crystals and various stony bits. Some I bought or received as gifts but there are some that I have found. 

This one I found last week when I went for lunch with Jeri, as we were walking back beside the river. I was drawn to its sheer weirdness. 

Today I photographed it and Google Lens-searched it a couple of times - each time it came up as a woolly mammoth tooth. There were other images that looked very similar.  It is probably not a whole tooth as I imagine them to be much bigger than this. The dots on the paper are 0.5cm apart for scale. 

 I'm really happy with this find. It's the only thing I have taken photos of today.

After the week of fun stuff, today I tidied up the house as I did a lot of cluttering up the place last week! I also did a wash-load so our rugby shirts could be washed as is customary after a defeat. The weekly shop is done too, I've a few more jobs to do tomorrow.

Wednesday this week will be Grace's birthday. The following day Sophia will go for a holiday with her extended family. Grace can't go as she doesn't have enough days holiday from work left, but she will come here on Friday again for the weekend!

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