
By RadioGirl

Mono Monday - 4

I definitely paid today for taking it easier over the weekend, as I was on the go from 10am until 7pm preparing the bungalow for moving day. It’s been quite humid, which hasn’t helped. I did a lot of last-minute moving of hitherto useful furniture out to the garage, prior to donating it to charity, and then cleaning and vacuuming where it had been. The carpet and paintwork really are in a fairly tatty state, having not been re-done since well before Dad died ten years ago. It will be a spur for me to get it decorated and have new flooring laid throughout.

Only 4 sleeps to go until moving day…

My blip shows part of the clock face from an oak box wall clock with a wooden and brass pendulum and a glass door, which Mum and Dad bought many years ago. It doesn’t have a maker’s mark on the face but, from research and looking at the style of carving on the case, I think it’s probably Edwardian and therefore an antique. It will stay on the wall exactly where it’s been for the last twenty years, marking time with its comforting tick tock (though I don’t wind up the chime, which is a sonorous ’bong’ on the hour and half-hour that makes the house vibrate). Thank you to JacZero for hosting the July Mono Monday challenge, with the theme this week of ‘4’.

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