
By RadioGirl

Part of Something Bigger

This morning I did the last few bits to make the bungalow ready for moving day, getting all the remaining laundry done, taking the final bedside cabinet out to the garage, and so on. Then it was a mercifully uninterrupted trip around the M25 to the flat.

In the evening met up with some of my Chesham book club friends for a meal. We had intended to have a Thai meal at the Queen’s Head pub in the old part of the town, but having got there the only free table was in a side room with a big group of *very* loud and obnoxious older men and we couldn’t actually concentrate on our own conversation. So we decamped to a pizzeria in the high street instead. As we meet less frequently than my Tiptree book club I shall continue coming up to see my lovely Chesham ladies and visit other friends in the area at the same time.

The decision to stay permanently in Tiptree and move into a new phase of life has been an instinctive one. I had been wavering between the two places for a long time while I was looking after Mum. But very quickly after she had died I knew I couldn’t bear to leave. Because of my Christian faith, I know that something bigger is at work here. I have things to do as part of the church, and Tiptree is the place in which to achieve them. Over the past ten years since losing Dad and being at Mum’s side, I’ve become woven into the fabric of life in the village. It just feels right.

Thank you to isbi for hosting the Tiny Tuesday challenge for July, with this week’s theme of “a tiny part of something bigger”. In case you hadn’t guessed (!), these are some of the letters in a typewriter which has been stashed away at the flat. Not a very good shot, as there isn’t much left here to inspire, and I only have my phone camera for the time being. It will have to do.

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