Snapshot family world

By Lightchaser12

A busy day

At 9 am i had an appointement with ex colleagues from previous home care facility. They asked if i could help them with a project in which they want the elderly photographed , while being in the outside world. They didn t want the typical " elderly home care photographs". I said ok i ll see what i can do. After i went to a coffeeshop in Bruges i frequently visit. He has won a price for having the best coffee. So he gets many tourists over the floor. he is roasting his coffee and is filling the bags. i always love to talk with him. We have many conversations about the " paranormal" the afterlife and so on. 10U30 i had to be at home a s a friend had to do a small repair. In between i did shopping. Afternoon was used for house cleaning. i started with the attic and also cleaned the garden. Next days the other rooms.In evening i called my eldest daughter who is living in Leamington Spa in UK.

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