Snapshot family world

By Lightchaser12

Clean , cleaner...

Another day of cleaning the house.Today thoroughly cleaning the bathroom , evry corner..hidden places etc. Once you start , more and more dust to discover. In between i took a break and went on bike to a coffeeshop in town , while reading a book.After 1 hour going through the city and passing the Gruuthuuze museum. Lots and lots of tourists today. Always a scenery which can be photographed. I had an eye on those Chinese tourists who were behaving verry funny. So i loved the composition with the triangle shape of the ticket counter.
Went home again and started raining heavily. At this moment cleaning the cellar.In bnetween i made a delicious veggie meal and prepared a bit too much. That s always the problem when one is living alone.I try to combine warm food with raw vegtables. I seldom eat meat and when i consume mostly chicken or fish.

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