This adder has 'ad it.
The only adder I've seen on the heath this year.
I spent some time on the plot early morning, cut lettuce, courgettes, & spinach, pulled beetroot & carrots. I'm meeting Sandy & Josie for coffee at Strawberryfields at Buckfast so want to take them some allotment goodies.
Drove to CK, walked Indie. Every drawer & cupboard holds surprises, when found, returned to their rightful place. Knicker, sock & purse are favourites.
Met Jos & Sandy, had a good chat & catch up. No MOT holidays anymore, perhaps one day. A break would be good. I bought a lovely piece of belly pork at Strawberryfields which I roasted on my return to Chudleigh after picking Mum up from home.
Dropped Mum home, settled her in watching Countryfile.
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