
By earthdreamer

Party Time

I left the cricket at Ben Rhydding with the game pretty much won, to catch a train to Leeds to rendezvous with E in Chapel Allerton for a 70th birthday party bash for one of her best friends, M. I was keen not to be late so hot-footed it from the station to the bus stops on Vicar Lane, only stopping to take the shot posted here. It was a warm and sultry evening and party life had spilled out to the streets. Any other time, I would have been tempted to take a lot more. There was a lot of fancy dressing up going on - and dressing down too. 

I got to the first bus stop to see the 2 (the best bus) wasn't due for another 20 mins, then saw a 7S just set off as I reached the adjoining stop. I knew the 7, 7A or 7S would all get me close to where I needed to be and was annoyed to have just missed one. I then looked back down the road and saw another 7 approaching. Saved. I got on and promptly received a few text messages. Replying to those, I was oblivious to where I was going. I knew each 7 took a slightly different route but ended up passing through the same area of Leeds. It was only until ten minutes later that it suddenly became obvious that I was passing through an area of Leeds I didn't know, signs to places I'd never heard of. WTF! I ended up at Seacroft Bus Station, miles away from where I needed to be. A very friendly chap then pointed me to a 40, just leaving, which would return me to Harehills. What he didn't say was that it was going to visit every housing estate along the way! I had to make an emergency call to E to come rescue me, running the length of Harehills Lane to meet her and arriving at the party an hour late and dripping with sweat.

I was forgiven. It turned out that it was actually an easy mistake to make. The 7 bus I caught was a Harrogate Bus rather than a Leeds Bus! So we have two bus companies, both calling at the same bus stop, with identical service numbers, going in completely different directions. I mean ... is that confusing or what? As it turned out, I arrived just in time for food, which was fabulous. It was a wonderful evening full of stimulating conversation with good friends. Thanks to A and C for hosting and happy birthday to M. And thanks to E too for being so understanding. I don't know why these things keep happening to me!

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