
By earthdreamer

Hot Flush

The unsettled summer weather seems to have relented enough to provide a small window of opportunity to take a long bike ride tomorrow. The winds are forecast to be light and the day warmish without fear of being hot or too sunny. Forrest is keen to do a 100-miler and I'm keen to show him some of my favourite climbs and descents. With my focus more on running recently, I've missed out on epic rides in the Dales these last few summers. The longer the gap, the more daunting the prospect of getting to Swaledale has become. Actually, it's not the getting there as much as the getting back again! It was something I used to do at least once every summer. I got the map out to remind myself of the intimidating contours and found my body heating up. I suppose you'd call it a hot flush. I have no idea why I'm looking forward to the pain so much. There's no rational explanation.

By the way, it was a rare day when I never left the flat. When I took a shot of a delivery man, the need went away and I had far too much to do anyway. Plus my legs were most definitely in fear mode!

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