Choose Joy

By Energia

exciting day

Tremendous enthusiasm nationally for Harris. $81 million in 24 hours. Suddenly people WANT to volunteer. 28,000 people volunteered. In one day. Singers are making videos for her. (Brat is new slang and apparently is very cool.) Everyone who isn't stupid has endorsed her. There were two people who wanted to make it a contested process (have a knock down brawl over who got the nomination). They both stopped that. 

She sings, laughs, dances, cooks, and inhales. 

When Bush Jr was running we learned that Americans vote for the one they would like to have a beer with. Harris is likable. 

Russia accuses George and Amal Clooney's foundation of calling for the arrest of Russian journalists. Obviously Russia is distorting something but I can't even find out what they are distorting. 

A year ago Russia blew up a hydro dam and caused massive flooding. The reserve is gone. Fauna is growing. Birds are back. A wild boar is running around. "Fish not seen for eight decades have reappeared, including sturgeon and herring. Police discovered this remarkable fact when they arrested a group of poachers. In their boat were 16 endangered sturgeon." "archaeological sites hidden since the 1950s. They included bronze age barrows, Scythian pots and Cossack fortifications, as well as other artefacts left behind by third-century Goths and medieval Tatars."

Dr Agnieszka Lewko of Coventry University wanted to help Ukraine the minute Russia reinvaded. She held an online class in first aid and then went for a two day course in person. 12 physiotherapists and rehabilitation leaders from Ukraine visited Coventry University and took part in simulation training.

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