Living my dream

By Mima


An unusual Blip from me as a result of hitting the bright lights of the big smoke.

I was in Dunners (Dunedin) for an MRI of my back: the latest - and final - investigation into what's going on with my spine.

It was a new experience and one which made me giggle unexpectedly. I was dressed in a very natty gown, which was quite unlike the revealing tie-at-the-back garment that I expected. See the extra. 

It wasn't that which made me laugh, but the lovely cosy blanket with which I was tucked onto the shute which then whooshed me into the MRI tunnel. 

I was delightfully warm amd comfy, despite the earplugs and noise-cancelling earphones to protect me from the ensuing loud bleeps, bass rhythms and ratatatat as each part of the process kicked off. I have no idea what the different noises signified, but I found myself having to suppress giggles as I tried to predict what the next one would be, and then being deafened by the result. The ear-protection wasn't very effective.

Does anybody know why MRI machines are so extraordinarily loud? It seems unecessary.

Once I had donned my clothes again and somewhat reluctantly returned the gown I drove to Bunnings to spend my annual xmas voucher from a cousin. 

I had checked in advance that they an apple tree which I particularly want was in stock, and was therefore furious when I had wandered around the un-personned garden section for 15 minutes, and eventually discovered they had no apple trees at all. 

I made straight for the Customer Service desk and complained about the lack of staff (I'm sure I used to be positively pestered by helpful staff in the old days) and the wrong information on the website. No satisfactory explanations were offered and I left frustrated. 

It was a fruitless visit.

I have given the voucher to the friends I then went and decompressed with: it is worthless to me as I have no plan to go back to Dunedin this year, and it can't be spent with an online order (another source of complaint).

I get the MRI results on Thursday, at the same time as my GP and physiotherapist. It's good to receive great service from a system which really matters.

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