
By JennyOwen

Meet the artist

I popped out early this morning to finish off some mural images to send to ArtUK.  There's one that's just been completed on the edge of the city centre, and I have both blipper Pennybun and Richard to thank for letting me know its location.
It's by Jo Peel, who's done a lot of good work around Sheffield. There's a lovely mix of fine detail and vivid colour in her work, often depicting aspects of the city in a really warm and empathic way. 
This morning it was a particular treat to bump into Jo herself, as she was about to apply some anti-graffiti sealant to the mural. We had a bit of a chat about all that: she likes all kinds of street art herself, and doesn't mind when people add tags or other images to her murals. However, as she pointed out, this one has been commissioned and paid for and the funders want it protected.  Here's her website, for anyone who'd like a closer look:

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