Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Peach rose with raindrop.

The Feast Day of Saint Bridget of Sweden. 1370.

It is a fabulous sunny morning and 20c indoors. The cats have been frolicking like lambs in the garden and both went over the fence into the garden at the end of ours.

I saw but didn't photo a Red Admiral butterfly on some brambles.

I have been to the Parish Church for a newsletter and a jar of some lovely thick cut marmalade.

It is delicious and will be added to the small stockpile I have been collecting since the last government encouraged us to have some emergency rations for an unknown crisis.

Paul is doing some ironing while I watch online Holy Mass, then it will be lunchtime.

The Purple Butterfly Oxalis continue to open slowly and delight me with their beautiful dainty leaves.

I hope you all have a lovely Tuesday and enjoy the sunny weather.

22.5c at 9:15pm. The garden was hosed and smells lovely.

Steps 7185.

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