
By Veronica


I bought white aubergines at the market on Wednesday, so aubergine tatin was on the cards. I was pleased with this one -- a lightly chilli-flavoured tomato sauce and fresh goat's cheese. I minimised time in a hot kitchen with bought pasta sauce and bought pastry!

A bit of a placeholder photo -- there was a show in the amphitheatre this evening, but we were asked at the beginning to switch our phones off and not take photos, to avoid distracting the artists, so I reluctantly left my camera in its bag. It was a windy evening, but I was glad it hadn't been moved indoors. Attendance was very sparse (and wrapped up warmly). Only about a dozen people to start with, though a few more arrived late.

It would have felt disruptive to take photos -- the show was a two-hander featuring mime, dance, and minor acrobatics, much of it conducted in silence -- there were brief bursts of music from time to time. The "set" consisted of a wooden bench just big enough for two tramps to sit on, and an apple. It was entitled Deux Riens, a play on words, by theatre company Comme Si. 

I wasn't sure about it at first, but it grew on me. You couldn't really say it was "about" anything. For the first 20 minutes or so the two actors performed a series of formalised gestures in perfect synchronisation, with no music for timing, and rarely looking at each other. There was something compelling about it, making an hour-long well choreographed show with no comprehensible words (there was a bit of babbling and screaming) more interesting and funny than it sounds. Excellent subtle lighting helped. In lieu of a photo from me, a short teaser and some photos here. They got a round of very warm applause at the end.

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