A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Great ball of colours …

on this hydrangea that I passed this morning on my way back from Pilates in the village.

I like my view to the back of our garden from the kitchen window at the moment with the pale blue hydrangea flowers amongst the pretty pink geraniums and the deep pink ones in the lovely teal pots we got in Spring at the front of the house. Much as I like them they are pretty small compared with this beauty.

So back to a routine of sorts today. Yesterday there was no community singing as our leader is on holiday but today was Pilates, no lunch after as my friend has her Canadian family over at the moment, but I’m sure the exercise will have been good for me even though I seem to be very tired.

Thank you all for putting my beautiful Bluebell on page 1 of popular. Your comments were very kind though quite hard for me to read. Blip is wonderfully supportive.

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