I Witness

By KangaZu

Tiny Tuesday ...

... tiny part of a bigger object.

When I checked in on the monarch butterfly caterpillars last night I saw that one of them had J-hooked on the back of a milkweed leaf.  So this morning I got out the macro in order to record this momentous event. 

After j-hooking the next step in the monarch life cycle is pupation.  And that happened to this beauty at around noon today.  Now we just have to wait 9-10 days for the butterfly to emerge.  You really have to wonder what goes on in that chrysalis!  And in the mind of the caterpillar transforming into a beautiful butterfly!  

It probably goes something like this:  "What just happened to me!?!  Wasn't I just a caterpillar and now I'm this amazing butterfly that can fly! Wow!"

Okay ... maybe that's just me overthinking stuff!

Thanks to isbi for hosting Tiny Tuesday all this month.  The only way I can spin this being on theme is to say this caterpillar represents only a tiny part of the monarch's life cycle.   BTW: This caterpillar was one of the eggs that was collected two weeks ago.

Please have a look full screen.

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