
By Nettenet

Friday Night

An incredibly hot day reaching 31 degrees.  Two days of summer then it will probably revert back to autumn.

An evening out with our friends, J&S, back to Ripley to try their Curry House.  We picked them up with the intention of having a drink first.  Although there are several pubs in the village, the two we tried (soft drinks for me) had no garden.  However, the second was much more pleasing on the inside and nice and cool.

The restaurant didn’t quite meet our expectations although reviews were very good.  J, who has high expectations on the food front, was highly disappointed with their coconut rice and in all honesty when I tried it later I had to agree, it seemed to be just a bowl of coconut and was very dry and claggy in the mouth.  My chicken dish was tasty but the chicken was chopped into tiny, lardon style pieces.  So again a bit dry.  HeyHo!  If you don’t try you don’t know but probably won’t visit again.  

I walked across to the green (where the farmers market is held) to grab a sunset blip.

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