horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

The State Of This….

Earlier today I read a story of a driver somewhere down south who hit a seven year old boy with his car. He admitted to having taken drugs earlier in the day, had no insurance, and after initially stopping, drove off. The boy died. The driver received a suspended sentence, a bit of a fine, and a few years’ driving ban.

Good to see the real criminals, the type who attend a zoom call about peaceful protest at the greatest existential threat the world faces, get four years in prison, compared the the pretty minor offence of leaving a child for dead.

Whatever you think of JSO actions (oh, and the ambulance services have confirmed precisely no-one died as a result of hold up caused by those actions, contrary to the lies of right wing nut jobs), this is a mad decision (and a scary one for the right to protest). 

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