Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Tachytes Species

I am pretty sure this is T. crassus one of the square-headed wasps.  I started seeing an occasional one last year, always either in the mountain mint or the swamp milkweed.  I've been seeing one for the last few weeks but had not been able to get a good shot until today.  They are medium sized solitary wasps who usually nest in sandy soil. The adults feed on nectar, preferring swamp milkweed and hunt katydids and crickets as the host for their eggs/larva.  Each female excavates her own tunnel from 3 inches to 3 feet deep and provision individual "rooms" in each tunnel with one or more insect hosts. She deposits one egg in each room, sealing it off when done.  The larva will overwinter underground and emerge next summer as an adult wasp.  I find solitary wasps fascinating and love having a chance to observe and photograph them.  And I hope that I can change some minds along the way about wasps - they aren't all jerks.

I met with the owner of the animal rescue yesterday afternoon when I dropped off Phoebe's food, crate and treats along with some of Jax's unused toys.  And as things evolved, I offered to photograph their adoptees.  This is something I've thought about doing for a long time but just never pursued.  I love photographing animals and love the idea that I can do something to help the many unhoused animals that live in shelters awaiting someone to love them.  I will start next week with the cats, probably with the adults/older cats first since they are always harder to find pet parents for.  Then move onto the kittens.  And eventually the dogs.  Ive told the owner, Darlene, that she can consider me her "staff photographer" - unpaid, of course.  

We are still adjusting to a world without Phoebe.  Jax is still being very clingy and Charlie is definitely off his game.  It's odd with Charlie since he and Phoebe had a relationship that I can only describe as one of mutual tolerance.  I've not (yet) burst into tears today which is something, but we both still feel very raw.  And I keep expecting to see her walk around the corner.  

Needing something light and fairly mindless, we watched an old Mickey Rooney movie last night, "Big Wheel" on Prime.  It was just what we needed and Hubs particularly enjoyed the racing elements of it.  It was a fun movie and has stood up well considering it came out over 70 years ago!

Hug your pets if you have them.  


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