Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Bombus Vagans

Commonly called Half-black bumble bee.  I believe this is my fifth yard species of bumble bee this summer.  

Today has been kind of a hard day.  I've just felt sad all day.  I tried to lift my spirits by heading out for a walk which did help some, but didn't really get me out of the doldrums.  We got a sympathy card from our vet today which was lovely of them, but it didn't help my mood much.  I am getting ready to pick Jax up from day care shortly and he will definitely inject some energy and noise into the house which is probably what I need.

I ordered an engraved river rock which we will place on Phoebe's grave when we bury her ashes.  It won't be here until late August, which is fine.  

All three of my nest boxes are still occupied. The male bluebird is definitely on his own feeding his nestlings - I suspect the female may have been taken by a hawk or perhaps by a cat.  He is singing constantly and I expect he will try to get the babies to fledge sometime before the end of the weekend, assuming they've all survived.  Meanwhile, one box of house wrens should fledge any day and the last box should have their eyes open by now and the start of feathers.  It is funny how quiet the woods and yard have gotten now that the nesting season is basically over.  The male birds aren't singing anymore - no territories to defend.  Of course, we still have the goldfinch nesting season in August/September - they are the latest birds to breed here, their nesting cycle coinciding with the ripening of thistle.  But they really don't seem to guard their nesting territory with song as most birds do.  Some of the neotropic migrants are already starting to head south now although the peak of fall migration for songbirds will be late August into September.  That will be my best chance to see warblers feeding low along the edge of our woods.  Something to look forward to.

Hugs your pets, please.


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