
By rat


I'd hoped for another insect pic today but there weren't many about. Where have they all gone, there used to be loads in the garden and I haven't suddenly started using lots of insecticides? Though there was one good first, Mr Rat saw a Meadow Brown on a Ragwort in the long grass at the front.
It must be about 20 years ago I decided to try and Bonsai some trees. I'm sure I haven't done it properly but these two have survived my neglect.
I had a fairly profitable day with bread-making, ironing, gardening, knitting and running. The gardening was quite hard work as I decided it was time to start cutting some of the long grass that had been left for a couple of months and strimming doesn't come easy. (Nor does the raking up and shearing the bits the strimmer didn't get to!).
The run was with the group, slow at first with the new ones then faster as they returned sooner.

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