Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


I didn't have a good nights sleep last night so I've been tired all day.  I was going to stay at home but I got a message to say I had another parcel to pick up in the Metrocentre.  I decided to get a bus to Lidl first.

The site where Lidl now stands used to be Crowleys Ironworks dating from 1707. The Northumberland Paper Mill took over part of the site from 1887 to 1909. They used power from the nearby River Derwent.  General Concrete Products occupied Crowley’s site after the war. More recently the site was cleared and the Lidl supermarket built in 2005  The 106 feet tall chimney still standing was part of the Paper Mill.  Instead of knocking it down Lidl restored it using the original mortar type.  It remains as a  prominent landmark and a reminder of a bygone industrial age. The chimney seemed like a good choice for the Wide Wednesday challenge - the theme is " Something Old".  Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting.

After having a good mooch around Lidl I got a bus to the Metrocentre. Didn't do any shopping there I just collected my parcel. 

Watched the final of The Great British Sewing Bee this evening.  My favourite won.

Weather today was warm but dull.

Steps today - 6,527

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