Rouken Glen Park

This morning I took Orla and Conor to Larissa's birthday party at soft play. It was at 10am, which on a beautiful day like today was great, because it meant that the kids at the party were the only ones there. After the party Ed picked us up. We were planning on a picnic and were originally going to head for Troon; but we ended up going to Rouken Glen Park. We had a lovely picnic and Orla played in the playground by herself. She was so desperate to go on this fairground too. We bought three tokens and she chose to go on the bouncy slide, bouncy castle and carousel. Then she had an ice cream and we walked around the walled garden.

After that we headed into town to get a few things for our holiday. Yes, we are off on holiday tomorrow to Ardnamurchan! The weather forecast is good for the whole week, so Ed had a quick look online this morning, found somewhere that looks amazing, phoned up and struck a deal. That's the benefit of us both being off work! Can't wait, it's going to be amazing.

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