Living my dream

By Mima

Cutting out the dead wood

I spent my Sensible 50 Minutes pruning out last year's fruiting canes from the raspberries. This leaves the new canes which grew last summer and which will bear fruit this coming summer. The next task is to tie them onto their supporting wires. Tomorrow...

In K's garden this morning I pruned most of her beloved roses. There are many, and still five to do next week. 

All of these tasks have been completed on my knees, which continues to be the most comfortable and sensible way to work. 

It has been a glorious sunny day which reached 18C. There are another two or three days of warmth before a southerly blast appears early next week. 

What a difference the heat makes: walking down the road with Bean, wearing a T-shirt (me, not Bean obviously), the sun warming my back ... it felt luxurious. I'm looking forward to summer!

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