Living my dream

By Mima

All tied up

I have completed the preparation of the raspberry canes for the 2024/25 crop, except for a layer of compost yet to be applied.

This morning I pottered about in G's garden sowing a few seeds, potting on some annuals, planting out a dozen or so plants which had become badly pot-bound and watering her shade house and glass house. It was 17C and I was in a thin cotton shirt. Bliss!

The Sensible 50 Minutes in the garden Chez Mima has increased to 60. And our walks have today increased from 1 hour to 1 hour and 10 minutes. All according to Nicola the physio's instructions. So that took up most of the afternoon.

Nicola phoned me today to check I'm unperturbed about the MRI report. What kindness. It was definitely above and beyond the call of duty, and I am once again grateful for the wonderful service I am receiving from my health providers. They are good people.

And so another days whooshes past. There is French onion and cheese flan with broad beans for supper, then Bean and I will retire to the new cabin to veg out. I feel ready for a snooze. 

Bean, of course, has been snoozing most of the day. But she'll do her best to do a bit more before bedtime.

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