My day

By 59

Grand designs

This house was on the market about 8 years ago. It didn’t sell as it was very run down and dilapidated. Finally a buyer has taken it on and must have spent a lot of money doing it up. Today the new drive went in. I think it will look great when finished. 

We went for a walk (to the chemist as you do) then Aldi for milk. We are lucky to live close to most shops in town but still in a quiet residential street.

I’m feeling pretty good today. Panadol is helping the pain and I have even done a spring clean in our bedroom. Thanks for all the get well wishes. It will take a few weeks to heal, then I will commence radiotherapy, I think that is the plan. I didn’t sleep much last night, they give steroids in theatre which always keep me awake the next night. Nina called in to check up on us and for a quick cuppa. 

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