A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Early disruption

Although I had set my alarm for the early walk I was awake and up before it went off this morning. There were only 3 of us for the start of the walk meeting up with V and the dogs later on the field.

I was surprised to see the road closed sign at the bottom entrance to Keighley Road, we hadn’t been that way yesterday but it was soon obvious that they had started removing the road surface for resurfacing - seems to be going on all over at the moment. We did manage to walk up there so no problems really, particularly as those members of our group who come from beyond the village by car were the ones who were away today. This is the climb the rest of us from the village have before we start the walk!

As we finished the walk in the estate my ankle inexplicably gave way. After a few minutes rest it was fine to walk back to the village and home.

After a shower and breakfast we headed over to IKEA for another magnetic board for my friend and the usual meatballs. Had a good and very cheap coffee then ca me home.
On the journey back my ankle started to ache and since getting back I’ve been sat with my foot up! So much for the ironing!

Grey today but still warm and muggy though the forecast rain has yet to appear.

Sorry for a rather mundane blip!

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