
By flavia13


So glad I went out yesterday morning, the weather's not been so kind today, not awful just grey and a bit damp.

I've been meaning to sort out a few drawers at home so I did some of that today and I've managed to sort out all my jewellery.  I have sooo much of it and let's face it I only have one neck and two wrists to put jewellery on.  I never take my wedding and eternity rings off and rarely wear any other rings.  I have so much junk and costume jewellery with an odd good piece thrown in.  So I've been hard on me and anything I've bought for myself (unless it has a specific meaning) I've got rid, everything that I've received as presents I've kept.  I still managed to get a lot to put into a charity shop, to get whatever money they can from it.

I must admit since I retired I always seem to wear the same pieces of jewellery daily, so I need to adjust that a bit and make use of some of the lovely things I've been given.  As to going out, that is a rare event and nowhere you need to get really dolled up for - it's just not me anymore.  Weird really but I have found my priorities have changed a lot over the years.

That's it from me today.  Thank you so much for your lovely comments, stars and hearts and your kindness when needed.  Take care all.

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