Happy Moments

By ApolloFly

What’s in the box

u3a writing group this afternoon. My blip is taken there, once we had all submitted and read our pieces on the subject of ‘And then there was none’.

During the last half hour tea or coffee is made and you do a quick five minute scribble on a subject of some sort. Today it was ‘what’s in the box’ which seeing how the label was on the back was not very difficult, but I did a quick five line poem which seemed to be well received. 

The box was brought in by one of the other members, and by the end of the afternoon, there was nothing but wrappers and packaging left!

I also checked that Michael and Meg in the background didn’t mind being in the photo. Michael, I think, is a self published author. A delightful chap who has travelled the world and has a good story to tell about almost anything. Either that or a very good imagination!

When I first joined the group last month, he politely told me that the seat next to him was empty, and that everyone usually sat in the same place. Good advice as it happens as I was able to write names down and match faces this time :-)

Next month we have a talk from a cosy crime writer. I shall have to look up what the cosy crime genre is all about as it’s not a term I’ve heard of before.

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