
By MsQuizzical

Stairway To Heaven

I've very much enjoyed entertaining my sister from France and my great-nephew Max, together with my sister from Burnham with Rog and my nephew Cal. It was Cal's birthday yesterday so I made a trifle in the form of stairs. He constructs and delivers staircases. My daughter and granddaughter joined us too. We loaded all the food and drinks onto an old nursery truck and wheeled it to the apple tree. We were so fortunate to be able to sit under it all afternoon without getting rained on.

Between them Cal and Rog managed to get the gunk into the flat tyre on my old ride-on mower and pump it up. I loved showing Max, twelve, how to drive it. He's very mechanically sympathetic. 

PS. A note for myself. I said below that we hadn't seen my sister from France since 2015. A mistake. We last saw her in 2017.

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