The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


Of the lampshade in Daikoku Ramen, the noodle bar!

I had a blip.birthday the other day, but I seem to have another one. Eleven years, but I've been blipping for twelve years and ten days. Thank you all for being part of it. I made my speech fifteen days ago, so I don't need to say it all again..

Work was tedious. I ended up staying in the cupboard all day and then being let down by clients. I'm going to have to do another safeguarding referral, which gives me the heebie jeebies. At 3.45 my colleague rang and offered me a lift home from the surgery. It was raining heavily  where she was. I waited for her , and she turned up eventually, and then Steve rang to say my sister K had arrived at the house. I bought a cake and got dropped off, and we  ate  stem ginger cake with crumbly Lancashire cheese,.as K had come via Preston and her eldest son. 

We went for a walk around the cemetery/nature reserve, and later walked downtown to Daikoku Ramen for supper. I had very good miso and gf chicken. K ordered cloudy cider to drink but got cloudy lemonade instead. She went back to change it, but then wished she hadn't. Dry cider can be too dry sometimes. 

Back home, we are packing and repacking in the time honoured way. Tomorrow we go to WOMAD festival at Charlton Park. WOMAD stands for World of Music and Dance. 

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