The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Halloumi Peppers

I had to go in for a call at 08.30. Of course, by the time I'd got my laptop started, it was 08.45, and I only had 15 minutes before my client had to go out and face his public. It was ok, we got somewhere, and next time I'll make the call from home, so I can start up earlier. 

My appraisal.went well, I got thanked for my hard work and keeping the show on the road. Got a lift to a supermarket, and my colleague brought my laptop home. Bought some ingredients for making halloumi-stuffed peppers and walked home. Back to work. 

Tessa rang just as I'd closed my laptop. She wanted to measure a large water container that she may but from us. I helped her, and we had a cup.of tea, but I couldn't shake off a bad smell (like poo ) that in thought I might have picked up in the garden. We have a lot of wild animals visiting at night. I threw all my clothes in the washing machine, and had a bath and washed my hair. Finished off  a bottle of bubble bath. The good news is, I felt  clean afterwards. 

Cooked the halloumi peppers ( with garlic, oil, pine nuts and basil) and ate supper. Went off to start packing my festival wardrobe and getting the spare room ready to sleep in. My sister arrives tomorrow. CleanSteve also uses it for part of his card-business storage, so it's in demand. I use my study for working from home, so I can't just throw everything in there either. 

One more day at work and then I'm in holiday! 

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