
By TonyG


While waiting for the car to be done Meg and I had a walk on a path that runs parallel to a small river that runs behind Stirchley High Street.  The green space is wide and one section is given over to a community orchard and some other edible cultivated plants.  I've always admired the majestic structure of the Cardoon, this one about my height but other heads towered above.   When we got back from our walk the call came in to say Car Done :-)

I hit lucky despite the nuisance of another problem that should have been picked up and dealt with on a major service a few months ago.  The local garage fixed it for a very much better price than I had expected.   As I come over here quite often, I think I will plan for future services to be done here too.  It also allowed a lazy day at Ruth's.  She went shopping with a support worker while I was out with Meg and before I left we enjoyed a tasty, home cooked tea.   Journey home was uneventful, if rather late.  A couple of quietish days now before another busy spell next week.

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