madwill's world

By madwill

Fungus Twins

Not a particularly active or busy day today…

I went out for a walk at 8 AM…the weather app said sunny intervals and fresh breeze with 0% chance of rain all morning…it lied. Just over a mile from home it suddenly got very dark with some strong winds….then it chucked it down..just for a minute or two, so I waked into the hedgerow for shelter. At that point I decided to return home…fortunately not too wet!

I did wander around the village for a bit to get some extra distance on my walk - finished up at just under 3 miles..and I did find my blip photo … fungi growing in some recently mowed grass at the side of the road.

Plenty to choose from but I liked this pair…they were quite large, approximately 6 inches (15 cm) across the two of them.

Supermarket trip planned for this PM…oh joy!

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