Seeing Beyond Looking

By SandraSuisse

I'm in Heaven

To be out in the countryside is pure heaven for me! Our Friday group walk took us just above the town (about 15 minutes by car), to the glorious area known as ' Lausanne's Woods or the official name is 'Chalet à Gobet'.  It's an area that I know so well from when I still had a car and used to drive up here two or three times a week to do my Nordic Walking. When my grandson was little we also came up here a lot. We took a picnic and he always came back with a big stick!

There are fields and little hills besides lots of flat areas and mostly glorious wooded areas. We were nearly always in the shade. Perfect!

Shall we have a little song?

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands!
I'm happy, I'm happy and I'm clapping!

-  Path we took leading from one wooded area to the next. No cars allowed except those farmers tending the land.
- Beautiful horses grazing and we saw quite a few riders too
- Darling baby frogs that crossed our path

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