
By Marionb

Maggie Goes Fishing...

Nope..she is not at the cottage and no she is not really fishing, but she certainly is having fun pretending, and presented me with an emergency blip.

The vet said she needs some exercise - and perhaps, being an indoor cat, I could play with her more? know, to make up for her being confined to the house with no birds or squirrels to chase and no way to wear off some of those extra calories she inhales above and beyond her prescribed "diet"?  ( read.."this is your fault Marion") 

So, I went out and bought her a new toy, seeing as how all of her old toys seemed to have lost their appeal...Well, with this fishing rod, I hit the jackpot! She loves it...and all I have to do is sit and dangle it in front of her and voila! Instant exercise..(for her not me...It  will take more than a dangling fish to work off those calories I too inhale!) Of course, the action lasts for only few moments and then a nap is required to recuperate..but it is a start! 

PS: she did manage to "catch" the fish - a formidable hunter is Maggie...(extra) 

PS: Of course, I am back-blipping..I had been fighting off some energy- draining bug or whatever that is going around and needed the energy I did have to attend to all those appointments that one books between cottage free one's calendar up to allow for the next  two weeks' absence up north! I can now report, being up north at the cottage again, that I did get the essential tasks done...and I can now relax.... and enjoy blipping again.

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