
By Marionb

Welcome Back...

Another back-blip

After a couple of challenging days getting ready to depart for the cottage...I was here at last and comfortably ensconced upon the dock.

After so many hot and humid days at home, I had arrived at the cottage to a rather unexpected change in the weather... and a welcome one; the humidity was gone, the sunshine was warm but not hot, and a cool breeze was blowing in from the north across the back bay....

There was a different feel to the air too...a definite and sudden change that reminded me of the times I would sit on that dock with my Dad and we would sense that change almost as it happened..the wind would change  from the southwest to the north and the temperature would drop. Dad's inevitable comment was always  " Well, August is here! " and so often he was absolutely right; the calendar was so often about to switch over to August. Well, August is still a week away, so perhaps this is just a quirk and tomorrow we will be back to heat and humidity again? the day wore on, the cool air became cold and before nightfall, I was wearing a fleece!  And it didn't look as if tomorrow was going to be any promising sunset in sight. (extra)

But until then, I decided I would  just enjoy the chilly evening and maybe even get a good night's sleep snuggled under a quilt....   

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