
By biddy

Miniature succulents….

…..doing well in the repurposed bird bath!
Another day of bits and pieces .
Our usual “tree man” Will, called in on the off chance this morning after I’d left him a message about taking out the very large stump of a shrub I planted years ago.
It had looked very sad for about 18 months and started to get brown crinkly leaves and some kind of disease.
Stephen had lopped off the all the main branches but it was obvious that manual labour alone wouldn’t be able to shift the stump and roots.
Will had brought the stump grinder and one of his mates to help. Stephen’s mum would’ve called it “A thing o’ purpose! “
It certainly did the job!
There are now 3 bags of compost to put in the hole and dig in around it. Then we are thinking about what to put in as a replacement.
Will liked the apple tree we put in last year as he and his team had taken out the old 50 year old one which had finally given up the ghost.
This afternoon I had an appointment with the chiropractor who has treated me before. I haven’t mentioned it for awhile but my lower back and in particular my left hip area have become more painful the past few months. My Pilates teacher used to work alongside the chiropractor complementing the treatment, so each Wednesday when I go to her class she can offer me alternative moves which are still beneficial to some which might aggravate the problem.
It means I do have some benefit from doing them.
It keeps me more supple than it would be if I didn’t do anything at all.
She has referred me for some “imaging” as they now call X-rays. Then I will know if further possible treatment, as in surgery, may be needed.
I treated myself to a medium Gingerbread Latte from Costas on my way home before coming out here into my summerhouse sanctuary to process all that she has said.
The sun is pouring in. I’m in my comfy armchair (having sat with an ice pack on my back for 20 minutes) looking at tumbling roses, apples on the new tree, so thankful for all the years I could climb mountains in the Lake District, roam hills in Rossendale, and walk the SW coastal path when we go to the Lizard.
There are signs of autumn creeping in.
The berries on next door’s Rowan tree are bright orange.

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