Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Friday Roast

A nice (early) evening concert last night seeing Barbara Dickson and conveniently, only three minutes walk from home.  I have always liked the odd thing of hers that I have heard but wouldn't have said her style of music was my favourite by any means, but I thoroughly enjoyed the concert.  At one point she sang 'The times they are a-changing' and introduced it by saying it was a bit of a problem as people who like Bob Dylan don't tend to like her, and vice versa!  I'm in the Bob camp but she sang it really well.  Sadly, she didn't sing 'Answer Me' which I would have liked.

Anyway, another 'one photo taken' day.  I am making a vaguely Moroccan meal tonight so needed some roasted vegetables to go into the Couscous.  Here they are roasting nicely on the barbecue.

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