Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Not a Monarch

It is very common to mistakenly identify this butterfly as a Monarch, but it is a completely different genus, in the same group as Admirals.  Interestingly, both Monarchs and Viceroys are classified as "Mullerian mimics" which is defined as two species that have evolved to look similar and share a toxicity to potential predators.  For me, the easiest quick way to distinguish the two is to look for the black line that runs parallel to the edge of the hind wing of the Viceroy.  Monarchs lack this mark.  In addition, Viceroys are a bit smaller and have a different flight pattern.  You can see the line clearly in this image.

Anyway, this is the first one I've seen this summer and it appears to be pretty tattered, probably near the end of its life.  I was meandering around our property (without a camera, what was I thinking?) when I spotted it in a patch of bee balm.  I hustled back to the house, grabbed the z8, hustled back to the flowers and grabbed some shots.  

I had my zoom yoga class this morning, most of which was spent on hamstrings and quads, two areas on my body that always benefit from stretching.  As is usually the case, I felt so much better after the class.  Yoga may not be everyone's cup of tea, but for me it really helps my aging joints.  

I am feeling better today.  Still unconsciously thinking I will see Phoebe laying in a patch of sun every time I enter a room, but also knowing she's gone.  We got a call from our vet today to tell us they had her ashes back - - neither Hubs nor I could bring ourselves to go get them today.  Tomorrow ...  Jax and Charlie are both being quite clingy still.  Not that I mind at all - I have been dispensing lots of cuddles to both of them.

The Olympics start today.  This is the first time in years I have not "hosted" the AOG (Alternative Olympic Games) - I just don't have it in me right now.  Maybe someone else will pick up the torch (pun intended) and have some fun with it.

By the way, I am feeling much more optimistic about the upcoming presidential elections in our country.  I guess I'm truly a cat-lady.  


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