Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


Decided to pop to B & M Bargains near the Metrocentre this afternoon.  2 buses to get there and two back. I checked the bus app for the first bus so I could leave the house in good time.  It said the bus would come in 23 mins.  I checked again a few mins later and the app said the bus was due in 2 mins.  And the next bus after it was due in 2 mins. ( they are supposed to be 20 mins apart )  So I dashed out of the house only to see the first bus fly past when I got to the main road.  However I managed to get across the road and to the bus stop ( just ) before the second bus arrived.  Whew!.

Didn't get much in B & M but it was nice to have a wander around somewhere different.

So far the weather had been dry and dull but there was a bit of rain when I was on the bus coming home. We are due to get more rain tomorrow.

Took my blip shot in the back garden.  My hydrangea plant is finally flowering.  Thanks to  BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday.

Steps today - 5,296

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