
By Wildwood

Queen Anne’s Lace

Coffee at Cafe Frida.
Matt and Dana arrived in separate cars, what Matt calls ‘Los Angeles Style’
Mamadou’s birthday is today.
John’s birthday is tomorrow.
Bob’s birthday is in three days.
Gail brought cookies for John but he didn’t share….
We talked about the Olympics and what Kamala needs to say about the bogus Republican stance on immigration.
We are all on the same page so we don’t have to spend much time on it.
Spike was perfect…lasted the whole time sleeping under the table without having to go to the car.
It must have been the Puppaccino….

Back home all is activity…trips to the store, making potato salad, going to Costco. The house is filling with food.

Plans are to watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics later if we can find out how to get it streamed on our TV. Apparently it poured….

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