Penguin Droppings

By gen2

After Five Years

Global warming has been expanding the range of many butterflies in a northward direction.  The first to make it into Fife was the comma butterfly, Polygonia c-album in the early 2000s.  I saw my first one here in 2013 and then regularly one or two up to 2019 - Then no more!  Until today.  A total surprise as it was nowhere near where I have seen them before.

Yes, they are still around but spread thinly throughout the county.

Now the story of the speckled wood butterfly is entirely different.  They arrived later but within a couple of years their population really took off and they are everywhere now.  They can be easily and frequently be seen almost anywhere now.

Others I'm watching for are the wall brown (my first sighting last summer) and the small skipper (my first posted on here just over two weeks ago).  In fact I was going to check the area where I previously saw the wall butterfly, when I spotted this comma.

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