Good Friends

SWMBO got a parcel delivered this morning (by a postie unhappy at getting a face full of cobwebs coming up the path ... better him than me) -- a loaf of bread. A well packed loaf of bread.
It is part of some blind tasting survey - not a strange, random delivery.

We got invited to a BBQ this afternoon.
When we were there I sold Bags cooker hob (sorry CanCarrier) and was given some fresh eggs from hens living in aa friends garden.

It was a small, sellect group at the BBQ - but what a great time we all had.
Loads and loads of laughter - and I mean LOADS of laughter.
Even my camera getting knocked out of my hand and bouncing across the slabs didn't stop the laughter (after I had managed to get it working again - I think ..... a full check will be done tomorrow)

3 word sum it up .................. a great evening.

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